Our Program
The Greater Erie Area Habitat for Humanity provides the opportunity for families to partner with us to make their dream of safe, decent homeownership come true.
Partner families must meet 3 primary requirements ability to pay/fall within the income guidelines, be willing to partner which includes working a minimum of 300 sweat equity hours, attending home ownership preparation classes, meeting monthly with a budget coach, etc. and a housing need.
Our program is not a hand out; it is a hand up.
Families who qualify for traditional house financing are generally not appropriate families for our program. Our families are struggling financially but need & want something better for their family and are willing to work for it.
Families earn their opportunity through working sweat equity and learn about the construction of a house and help build their own. Our families work alongside of volunteers & develop their personal networks as well as learn about community involvement. Our families work on Habitat houses for other families first before their own. They do for others before anyone does for them.